androidchatsdk / Notable Classes / UIConfiguration


class UIConfiguration

The UI values that can be configured.

font/secondaryFont: Custom fonts are supported, the font file must be in the assets/fonts folder and will automatically be loaded (if it can).


Name File Note
CustomFont CustomFont.ttf Good
Custom Font Custom Font.ttf Good
CustomFont Custom Font.ttf Bad


Format Note
‘HH’ or ‘hh’ 24 hour time or 12 hour time
‘mm’ minutes
‘ss’ seconds
‘a’ or ‘A’ am/pm or AM/PM
e.g. ‘hh:mm:ss a’ ‘11:30:15 am’


Format Note
‘YY’ Two digit year: 70 71 … 29 30
‘YYYY’ Four digit year: 1970 1971 … 2029 2030
‘M’ Month number without leading 0: 1 2 … 11 12
‘MM’ Month number with leading 0: 01 02 … 11 12
‘MMM’ Month name abbreviation: an Feb … Nov Dec
‘MMMM’ Month name: January February … November December
‘D’ Day of month without leading 0: 1 2 … 30 31
‘DD’ Day of month with leading 0: 01 02 … 30 31
e.g. ‘MMM D, YYYY’ ‘Jan 3, 2020’


font - The font used for Sidekick chats. Chat messages will use this font if secondaryFont is not set.

secondaryFont - The font used for chat messages.

timeFormat - An optional time format that can be used to display your custom format.

dateFormat - An optional date format that can be used to display your custom format.

headerConfiguration - ServerConfiguration settings for the Sidekick header banner.


Name Summary
<init> UIConfiguration(font:String= "", secondaryFont:String? = null, timeFormat:String? = null, dateFormat:String? = null, headerConfiguration:UIHeaderConfiguration= UIHeaderConfiguration())
The UI values that can be configured.


Name Summary
dateFormat val dateFormat:String?
An optional date format that can be used to display your custom format.
font val font:String
The font used for Sidekick chats. Chat messages will use this font if secondaryFont is not set.
headerConfiguration val headerConfiguration:UIHeaderConfiguration
ServerConfiguration settings for the Sidekick header banner.
secondaryFont val secondaryFont:String?
The font used for chat messages.
timeFormat val timeFormat:String?
An optional time format that can be used to display your custom format.