androidchatsdk / Notable Classes

Package com.gladly.androidchatsdk.models


Name Summary
EventInterface interface EventInterface
EventInterface is a callback interface that will be invoked by Gladly’s SDK when various events are triggered. General events (See GladAppEvent) are propagated to onEvent, errors are propagated to onError, and messages are directed to onMessageReceived.
NotificationConfig data class NotificationConfig
This customizes the display of the Push Notifications.
Settings data class Settings
This contains the settings used for configuring Gladly’s Android Chat SDK.
GladAppError enum class GladAppError
Describes the various errors that may occur when using this SDK. The error events are sent via EventInterface in the EventInterface.onError method.
GladAppEvent enum class GladAppEvent
These are the various Chat events that can occur during runtime. You can register to listen for these events. See EventInterface for more details.
UIConfiguration class UIConfiguration
The UI values that can be configured.
UIHeaderConfiguration class UIHeaderConfiguration
UI ServerConfiguration for the Sidekick header.
User data class User
Describes the Gladly User